What Causes Your Mood Swing
Your moods are being controlled by your thought. This is the reality, you must think, or something should reach your intellectual mind in order to be understood and processed before you can feel anything. If someone has insulted you in a certain language you don’t understand, in a gentle voice and sweet face, you wouldn’t get upset. But if the words were translated, your mood will swing. This only proves that your thought precedes your emotions, hence your mood.
Moods are being caused by your psychological and physical states. If you say you’re feeling good, you are probably describing contentment or good health. Likewise, if you say you’re feeling bad, you are probably describing sadness or cold. Teasing out both the state of your body and mind is somewhat complicated because they influence one another.
On the other hand, there are also different physical causes and means to your moods. For instance, low sugar levels of blood, hunger, or sleep deprivation – all these cause change in your moods. The energy level of your body also causes change in your mood. Many people usually feel energetic and most upbeat in late mornings and in early afternoons but less energetic and less upbeat during late afternoons and evenings.
Hormonal changes of the body are basically linked to your moods. These changes generally are evident in specific stages of life like adolescence, and menopause and menarche for women.
It gets more complicated – seasonal changes can also affect your moods. The quantity of the present ultraviolet light has been believed to affect moods. During winter season, when the number of daylight hours is fewer, some people experiences Seasonal Affective Depressions or SAD. Also, various illnesses cause certain physiological changes which in turn affect your mood states.
Physiological disorders are also believed to affect the moods. Depression may cause you to feel hopeless or worthless and you may lose pleasure and interest in your everyday activities. Bipolar disorders include above mentioned symptoms mixed or alternating with your feelings of distractibility, inflated self esteem, and restlessness. Anxiety disorders cause generalized feeling of worry and irritability.
Low dopamine is one big factor on a neurological level. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that promotes a positive mood. Dopamine is essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and is associated with concentration, learning, movement, balance, and positive mood regulation. But modern-day life leaves us with chronically low dopamine levels.
As your thought determines your moods, it is important to keep your dopamine high. BlissCare™, increases dopamine production and storage, boosts your chief happiness hormone called dopamine! Get it here.